Scientific cooperation between Institute of Psychology, Gdansk University and Institute of Psychology, Vietnam National University (University of Social Sciences and Humanities)

ObrazFrom many years research projects are carried out at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Gdansk in collaboration with Institute of Psychology, Vietnam National University (University of Social Sciences and Humanities).

The aim of the conducted studies is to examine the relationship between beliefs, values and other social variables such as well-being or religion in cross-cultural context. The projects realized in 2015 or still being in progress are given as an example:

Universals and Specifics of the Structure and Hierarchy of Basic Human Values in Vietnam (Różycka-Tran, J., Truong Thi Khanh Ha, Cieciuch, J., Schwartz, S. H.): The current study provides the first examination of the distinctiveness, circular structure, and hierarchies of values using the Schwartz (1992) theory in Vietnam. Given the near-universal prevalence of the structure of values, we expected this to be found in Vietnam as well. Regarding the hierarchy of values, we expected the hierarchies in the Vietnamese samples to be quite different from the pan-cultural baseline because of Vietnam’s traditional culture. We administered a Vietnamese version of the Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ-40) to adult respondents in three regions, Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon (N = 521 ), Hue (N = 538), and Hanoi (N = 533). MDS and CFA analyses of the total sample and the samples from each region supported the theorized circular structure. However, it was necessary to combine some adjacent values in the circle in each sample. The hierarchies of values in the samples differed substantially from the pan-cultural hierarchy identified by Schwartz and Bardi (2001). The values exhibited partial scalar invariance across the three regional samples, justifying comparisons of means. This study has revealed both universal aspects of values in Vietnam (e.g., the circular structure of value relations) and culturally specific aspects (e.g., the unique hierarchy of values in the country and in three different cities). In future research, it would be worthwhile to explore correlates and consequences of the values in Vietnam.

Similarities and differences in values between Vietnamese parents and adolescents (Truong Thi Khanh Ha, Nguyen Van Luot, Różycka-Tran. J.): The purpose of this study was to analyze similarities and differences in the motivational value system of Vietnamese parents and adolescents, in the context of Schwartz’s value theory. Also, the transmission of values between two generations was studied. The study was performed in three different cities of Vietnam Hanoi, Hue and Ho Chi Minh City on adolescents, their fathers and mothers (N = 2226). The hierarchy of values was measured with a Vietnamese version of the Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ-40). Additionally, expectations of parents toward children and preferences of children were measured with a list of 28 features and attitudes prepared for the study. The results show that both parents and their adolescent children highly respect universalism, conformity, and benevolence in contrast to power and stimulation, which is still typical for a collectivistic culture. The differences arise in higher-order values: while parents value conservatism (security, conformity and tradition), their children prefer more openness to change (self-direction and hedonism) values, which is typical for a more individualistic culture. The results also reveal that parents in Vietnam expect and transfer to children some attitudes and features such as studiousness, filial piety and diligence, but not riskiness, desire or humor. Although adolescents are aware of their parents’ expectations, they do not fully accept them. The results provide hints for parents to plan their strategy on appropriate education of their children, in the current context of global integration and cultural changes.

Measurement invariance of Personal Well-being Index in 26 countries (Żemojtel-Piotrowska, M., Piotrowski, J., …., Różycka-Tran, J., Truong Thi Khanh Ha, et al.): Personal Well-being Index (PWI) is one of the most popular scales measuring subjective well-being (The International Well-being Group, 2013). The newest version of PWI contains 8 items referring to different life domains: standard of living, health, life achievements, personal relationships, personal safety, groups and future security, religion and spirituality (Cummins, Eckersley, Pallant, Van Vugt, & Misajon, 2003; Personal Well-being Group, 2006). Despite many cultural adaptations of this scale (see The International Well-being Group, 2013 for details) and its increasing popularity among cross-cultural researchers according to the best of our knowledge there is no evidences for metric equivalence of PWI across countries, with limited exceptions for Chile and Brasil adolescents (Sarriera, Casas, Alfaro, Bedin, Strelhow, Abs, Valdenegro, Garcia & Oyarzun, 2014). The current study is intended to fill this gap by examining measurement invariance of PWI across university students samples originating from 26 countries.  In the current study we used PWI-8 version, which contains item about satisfaction with own religion and spirituality and 0-10 end-defined response format according to the newest recommendation of the authors of the PWI (The International Well-being Group, 2013). Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) serves as a statistical tool for assessment of cross-cultural equivalence of scale.

Entitlement and well-being: Cross-cultural study (Żemojtel-Piotrowska, M., Piotrowski, J. et al.): The aim of current project is an examination of relation between entitlement attitudes (active, passive, and revenge, Żemojtel-Piotrowska et al., 2015, in press) and subjective well-being. Despite popularity of studies on entitlement there is still little known about correlations between entitlement and subjective well-being. Three-dimensional model of entitlement was successfully validated in 28 countries (Żemojtel-Piotrowska et al., 2015). Research conducted in Poland on general sample revealed complex pattern of interrelations (Żemojtel-Piotrowska et al., 2013).  However, it is highly possible that cultural context could affect relation between entitlement attitudes and well-being. The possible moderator of relationship between entitlement and well-being could be belief in life as zero-sum game. In countries with low level of BZSG entitlement could be positively related to well-being, as expectations toward others and institutions are believed to be satisfied. In the countries with high level of BZSG these relation could be negative, as these societies is highly competitive and indicate low level of interpersonal trust (Różycka, Boski, Wojciszke, 2015). Study is based on student samples, 200 participants, at least 50 participant of each sex (ideally: 100 men and 100 women), from two different fields of studies (e.g. social sciences and hard sciences). Full set of methods includes: PWI (Personal Well-Being Group); SWLS; PANAS; MHC-SF(14) (Keyes); Entitlement Questionnaire (15-item version, Żemojtel-Piotrowska et al., 2014); 8-item Belief in life in zero-sum game (Różycka-Tran, Boski, Wojciszke, 2014); 6 items from project on perception of well-being of others (by Sergiu Baltatescu).

Currently in project participate scientists from Algeria, Azerbaijan, Austria, Armenia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, China (Hong Kong), Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Iran, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Mexico, Israel, South Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Poland, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa (RSA), UK, Uganda, Ukraine, USA, Vietnam.

Structural validity of the Mental Health Continuum – Short Form (MHC-SF) in Vietnam: The bifactor model of well-being.

Truong Thi Khanh Ha, Różycka-Tran, J., Żemojtel-Piotrowska, M.,  Piotrowski, J.

The research presented in the article is both the demonstration of the bifactore structure of MHC-SH and also the first attempt to validate the MHC-SF in the context of Asian culture.

The bifactor model of the MHC-SF assuming one general factor and three specific factors of well-being was examined across Vietnamese students samples (N = 575, aged 19-24 years) and compared to one-factor model conceptualizing well-being as unidimensional and three-factor  model corresponding with Keyes’ model (2002). Current report indicated that Vietnamese version of MHC-SF could be successfully described in the terms of bifactor model, similar to RSA (De Bruin & Du Plessis, 2015) and Serbian (Janovic, 2015) versions. Contrary to Serbian version McDonalds omegas were high, but in concordance with former studies specific factors explained very low proportion of common variance. However, common variance explained  (ECV) for total factor was lower than 70% suggesting that factors representing emotional, social and psychological well-being made significant contribution to total variance (O’Connor Quinn, 2014). Between-models comparisons supported bifactor solution as better describing factorial structure of MHC-SF than originally assumed three-factor solution. Because the Vietnamese version together with Serbian and African version of MHC-SF has the same structure, it should be taking into consideration in methodology of well-being.

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Submitted on Monday, 2. November 2015 - 07:30 by Jarosław Jurkowski Changed on Friday, 23. February 2018 - 09:24 by Jarosław Jurkowski